Carolyn Zimmer – Blog Post 1

Can we encounter God outside of the rites of the Church? Look, far be it from me to say that you cannot encounter God outside of the sacraments. In fact, Josef Pieper explains that ”…no theology of the sacraments has ever taught God’s gracious acts to be contingent on...

Carolyn Zimmer – Blog Post 2

               In the American Church today, it is easier than it should be to understand the sacraments as religious rites of passage. After all, when you have a baby, you put him or her in a...

Carolyn Zimmer – Blog Post 3

               I want to start by welcoming all of you home to the Catholic Church, and on behalf of our brothers and sisters in Christ, we are so happy you are here. I know you have spent a great...

Carolyn Zimmer – Blog Post 4

Henri de Lubac has received criticism in his take of nature and grace. He is accused of falling into intrinicism, the idea that the whole world is sacramental and therefore human nature is already supernatural the moment creation comes into existence. I have only read...

Carolyn Zimmer – Blog Post 5

How is the Eucharist an invitation to deeper union with Christ?                The Church makes no secret about the importance of the Eucharist. In Lumen Gentium, the eucharist is described as “the...