Bobby Eberle – Blog Post 3

Congratulations to those who are celebrating Easter as new members of the Catholic Church.  You are undoubtedly feeling that extra connection with your faith, and it is my hope that you will hold onto that feeling and that it will not only help sustain you in...

Carolyn Zimmer – Blog Post 4

Henri de Lubac has received criticism in his take of nature and grace. He is accused of falling into intrinicism, the idea that the whole world is sacramental and therefore human nature is already supernatural the moment creation comes into existence. I have only read...

Blog Post 2

Joseph Ratzinger and Louis Bouyer share a common admiration for Ressourcement Theology. Both theologians share a deep affection and genuine desire to return to the riches of Scriptures, the liturgy and the early Church fathers. In Ratzinger’s article on the...

Bobby Eberle – Blog Post 4

Henri de Lubac has a very interesting take on nature and grace which I can’t help but attribute to not only his grasp of God’s message but also the times in which he lived.  His reflections on sin, which I will address in greater depth in this post show that de...

Carolyn Zimmer – Blog Post 5

How is the Eucharist an invitation to deeper union with Christ?                The Church makes no secret about the importance of the Eucharist. In Lumen Gentium, the eucharist is described as “the...

Bobby Eberle – Blog Post 5

Of all the sacraments, at least those in which I have participated, the one that I feel brings me closer to God and thus invites me into a “deeper union with Christ” is the sacrament of reconciliation.  In Meeting Christ in the Sacraments, Colman O’Neill writes that...